It is estimated that on average, 6 percent of a household energy use goes to cooling spaces. This energy consumption translated into a substantial annual cost to homeowners. To reduce costs related to air conditioning by almost a third, you can install energy efficient conditioners coupled with implementing a raft of energy-saving actions. Here are some tips for homeowners to keep the air conditioning costs down.
Plant Leafy Vegetation around your Property-- Temperature rise inside your house is a result of excessive heating of the roof, windows, and the rest of the house. When you plant leafy vegetation such as shrubs and trees, they mitigate against extreme weather conditions. The vegetation can insulate your house against such extreme heat, thus improving your home's energy efficiency.
Install Solar Screens and Window Films -- When your windows are aligned on an east-west bearing, solar screens can insulate your house from the extreme heat that emanates from outside. Window films are transparent metallic sheets that homeowners can use to bounce heat off of the glass windows. Installing window films and solar screens is fast and cost-effective. These screens also keep insects like flies out of your house.
Install Programmable Thermostat -- Always reduce the temperature setting of the thermostat when at home or during the day. However, when away from home or during the night, you can always adjust the thermostat setting upwards. This means that a programmable thermostat on your AC can save you 10 percent on costs related to cooling and heating your house. Fan the Air -- People often think that greater air circulation goes hand in hand with expensive fans. For a home with more than a single floor, install fans on the upper level. On the lower level, leave windows open for a complete circulation. For a bungalow or one-storey apartment, open windows in areas far from the fan and shut windows near the fan. When air circulates, it helps cool your body by evaporating sweat. This simple aerodynamics can save you from investing in expensive cooling equipment.
Minimize the Use of Oven or Stove -- When you cook for a long time, you create a lot of moisture and heat. To reduce humidity, cut back on indoor heating by using the microwave. When you need to set up a pot of your preferred soup, or bake your favorite pie, you can do it in the evening when humidity is low. For people with kitchen exhausts, make sure your turn them on after cooking. When it comes to air conditioning, a rule of thumb is to reduce humidity first, and then comfort will automatically take effect.
For further assistance, contact a local electrician.