Installing a Dimmer Switch

For many electrical jobs around your home, it is wise to hire an electrician (such as Austec Electrical). But, there are many little electrical jobs that you can easily do yourself without a lot of special tools. For instance, you can install a dimmer switch on your own, and you can likely do it in less than an hour. The first thing to do is to measure the size of the box that the light switch is currently housed in (height, depth, and width). [Read More]

Electrical Diagnosis | 3 Warning Signals Of An Impending Electrical Failure

Irrespective of how old your home is, an electrical problem always has an indicative warning sign before it becomes a full-scale catastrophe. Knowing how to diagnose these warning signals in advance will help avoid a dangerous situation – where you or a member of your family may be exposed to electrocution. In some cases, major electrical faults can even damage an entire property – resulting in costly repairs in damage later. [Read More]

4 Signs That Your Car Needs Electrical Work Done

Your car's electrical systems are just as important as any of its other parts, as many of those parts run on electricity. This includes the fuel pump, the fan, and even the steering. If you were to ignore signs of needed electrical repair, your car could easily stall, or you could cause severe damage by driving it without those electrical parts working properly. Consider some signs that your car needs electrical work done and be sure you take your car in for a diagnosis if you notice any of these signs. [Read More]

2 Major Reasons Why You Should Hire Local 24-Hour Emergency Electricians

Electrical emergencies will happen at one time or another. This can be in the form of emergency appliance repairs, installations, electrical fires or power blackout among other scenarios. You should be prepared so that when this happens you will be in a position to remedy the situation as fast as possible. Apart from identifying an electrician who offers a 24-hour emergency service, part of emergency preparation involves ensuring whoever you're relying on is in close proximity. [Read More]